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Freelance Services

Currently not taking on new projects

I am more than happy to commit to a project/company/idea for an extended period and so may not always be available. Read on if you would like to know more about my process.

Why me?

Partnering with an individual on any successful project involves a few key aspects outlined below, when working I aim to include all of these:

Free Introductory Meeting

Short conversation to define the scope of the project, identify problem points and provide guidance on the most appropriate solutions. Done via video call the meeting is non-binding.

Pricing and Proposal

Prices are made fully transparent at every stage, once the scope of the project is established the price is fixed before work begins, no surprises.

Creating the Code

Best practices are used throughout the development of any project, this includes: mobile responsiveness, performance, security, accessibility and usability.

Modern web development has come a long way in the last decade and provides many options, it can be hard to decide the most appropriate tool for the needs of your users, I keep on top of these trends and have many tools in the shed to get the job done.

Delivery and Communication

Dealing with an individual blends personal and professional together which invests me closely with each project I take on. I enjoy seeing a project to completion and can assist with front-end and back-end deployment if necessary.

There may be something you need which I cannot provide, in this case we would agree on the best solution together; whether that be another professional or service.

SEO: Search Engine Optimisation

The last thing you want is to have a beautiful website, fantastic product and then never to have it found. Ranking on google (+others) relies on a few things to be successful: content/keywords, meeting accessibility standards and raw performance all help greatly. Content is best handled by persons knowledgeable about the business, but anything else "on-page" I have covered.